Hey there, I’ve decided to update the blog layout on the site today. This area of the site’s been down for many months now, but I think I’m ready to begin blogging again. I will post site updates, life updates, and random articles that don’t fit nicely into the “guide” categories here. Site Updates Life […]
New Blog Layout
General Site Updates November 2022
Hello there! I’d like to update you on what I’ve been working on lately with regards to the website and its content. First, I’m always looking for ways to improve the website’s design, responsiveness and performance. I try to make my site as accessible as possible. However, there is much room for improvement. Regarding accessibility, […]
Dell Inspiron 16-inch 2-in-1 Laptop Review (2022)
I purchased the 16-inch OLED Dell Inspiron 2-in-1 laptop from BestBuy. I don’t do many product reviews. But I think overall I’m happy with it, so I figured I’d share! Here’s my independent, personal review of the pros and cons of the Dell Inspiron 16″ 2 in 1 Laptop, 2022, and why I’m using it. […]
The Metaverse Isn’t Dead
OPINION: The metaverse isn’t dead yet, nor will the concept ever be! I’ve seen dozens of articles and videos slamming the Metaverse lately. I’m going to give you some of my thoughts on the subject with regards to the relevancy and direction of the technology. The metaverse isn’t going anywhere any time soon. But will […]
I’m On A Roll!
Over the past several weeks, I’ve been working hard on expanding my collection of guides by writing new content. I’m off school for the summer, so I have more time! I’ve nearly completed my Intro to Joomla series and I’m about 3/4 of the way done my Intro to Java series. My goal is to […]
Site Updates 10/3/2021
Hello again, another update. The photo’s of a place called Governor Dicks in Manheim PA. My mature friends always laugh at the name. Anyways, go check it out if you happen to be near Lancaster. They’ve got a cool observation tower you can climb at the top of a wooded hill. Nice walking trails too. […]
Progress Update, What I’m Working On
Hey Guys, Gals, and anyone else! I just wanted to write a short blog post to update you on the status of this website, what I’m currently working on, etc. So I’ve put a lot of effort into getting everything styled right with the template lately. I’ve almost completed it I think. Everything looks pretty […]