Hey Guys, Gals, and anyone else! I just wanted to write a short blog post to update you on the status of this website, what I’m currently working on, etc.
So I’ve put a lot of effort into getting everything styled right with the template lately. I’ve almost completed it I think. Everything looks pretty decent. I had to override a lot of Joomla layouts to get things working the way I wanted. Now that I see this first blog post I’ll probably be editing the blog layout tomorrow, haha.
Today I integrated a simple jQuery Quiz plugin to the website. I used it to make the first quiz for the Intro to Java series. I’m going to be adding more quizzes to the other guides soon! Speaking of the Java series, it’s been on the back burner for a long time but I’m happy to report I’ve started working on it again.
I’m considering breaking the third section down into two, or perhaps even three different sections. It’s just gotten so large. But it all goes together so nicely so I’m not sure. Anywho, I’m happy I had time to work on all these things today. I spent a lot of time reformatting the sections so they look a bit nicer and added a simple table of contents to all the guides in the Java series so you can navigate between sections more easily.
I hope to start working on more videos soon. I have a presentation ready to go with the article on selecting web hosts. I happen to have quite a few roommates that bug me throughout the day, so it’s difficult to find a time when they’re not making a lot of noise in the background. In the mean time I’ll continue writing the Java series and posting any content I find interesting about Joomla 4. Once I have the first six or seven Java sections complete I’ll probably start recording videos for them as well. Hopefully the YouTube traffic will drive some more users to this website.
Also, I recently visited President James Buchanan’s house in Lancaster, PA. It was pretty interesting. He was a very disliked president overall and no one really talks about him much. Still interesting though.
Anyways I know no one’s really reading this yet. I just published this site a few days ago and it’s had a grand total of like three unique visitors. But if you are reading this, thank you for visiting!