Category: Intro to Python

The introductory series which takes you through fundamental programming concepts.

What’s Python?

July 17, 2024
What’s Python?

Python is a high level, object-oriented, general purpose programming language primarily used in data science and web development. Let’s break down what that actually means. How it Works, Design to Execution Before you can write a python application, you must first install Python on your computer. This is the software that can interpret or compile your python code […]

Hello World in Python

July 17, 2024
Hello World in Python

Intro to Python: Section 2 The Hello World project is the first program you will write in nearly any programming course. It’s a boring program that simply prints out the message “Hello, World” or similar to the console. It’s overused for good reason. It’s a simple introduction to the language and teaches you about the […]

Variables, Operators, Data Types

July 17, 2024
Variables, Operators, Data Types

Intro to Python: Section 3 In this section, you will learn how to use different variables, perform simple operations, and receive user input. Variables A variable is a representation of an object. They function similarly to variables as you would use them in Algebra or another math class. They’re placeholders for other things or values. […]

Control Statements in Python

July 17, 2024
Control Statements in Python

Intro to Python: Section 4: What makes computers more than glorified calculators is their ability to use predefined logic to execute a variety of different tasks based on the result of conditional tests. Control statements are code statements which control the code that gets executed based on a given condition (the conditional statement), which may be […]

Functions in Python

July 17, 2024
Functions in Python

Intro to Python: Section 5 A function is a reusable block of code that is executed on command. When you instruct Python to execute a function, it is said that you are calling the function. We have already been using several functions in this series. Namely, the print function and the input function. A function is given a name […]

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