Ahh! I haven’t had time to update this site in several months. I hope I can get back into it again. Anyway, here’s a little life update.
I’ve been taking online classes at Oregon State University to finally finish my computer science degree. So that’s been occupying a lot of my time. I was in Vail a few weekends ago, which was fun!
Additionally, I’ve started working at a local technology recycling company called E-Tech Recyclers. We recycle computers, TVs, appliances, etc. My focus is on repairing and reselling computers. We get tons of used computers from companies, schools, and churches. Most of them are 3-4 years old and in functional condition! So we install hard drives, repair small parts, install operating systems, and test the PCs before reselling them. You can check out our store to see some of my work! If you’re in the US and need an inexpensive, functional computer for everyday tasks, check us out!
Site Plans:
I want to update the template slightly, making adjustments for mobile devices. I also plan on writing more guides related to math and science, as they seem to interest people. Finally, I’m considering developing some custom WordPress plugins.